The last night we were in Florida, the family went to see Blue Man Group. It was pretty awesome; we had front row seats just behind the splash zone. Wayne really enjoyed the show. He was e
ven waving at them when they got close and trying to get their attention. At the end of the show, Eve was pretty overwhelmed, but managed to make it through. While Eve and I waited outside, Wayne asked a Blue Man for his autograph and got his picture taken with him.
Later that night we discovered that one of our suitcases had broken, and Morvin had to make a late night run to the store to get a new bag! We finally finished packing up the hotel around 12:00 and lay down to sleep. Around 1:30 Eve had started to scream, and continued to scream about every hour until around 4:30. Our alarm clock went off at 5:45 needless to say we were really tired.
After overcoming sleep deprivation, eating, and herding kids out the door, we managed to leave the hotel by 6:45 and arrive at the airport around 7:15. By the time Morvin returned the car and we got to check in it was 8:00. We made it through TSA easily, the Orlando airport is even testing kids not having to take off their shoes to make the airport check even easier on families.
Our plane boarded on time, and we had plenty of room in our seats. The kids even enjoyed an in flight movie. Eve also enjoyed a nap. We flew to Costa Rica on Jet Blue, and their service was great. The landing was really scary as we were making our decent but the pilot did a great job actually landing.
After our arrival to Costa Rica, our transport picked us up at the airport and took us to the ferry. By this time, we were all tired, and looking for real food! We ate some food off the ferry, and the kids and Morvin enjoyed the ride and scenery. Kohl and I not so much, so we stayed inside and tried to rest. The rocking of the boat would seem to be nice, but it was not the best most comfortable ride.